Wagon, Tower, Chief 7, and Chief 7B on 13 House Print
Monday, February 28 2011 16:32

At 1436hrs PSC received a 911 call reporting a fire in the house at 5815 Quintana St in company 13's first due. Company 7 was dispatched with Engine 72, as the first due engine, Tower 7 as the first due truck, Chief 7 and Chief 7B responded with a total of 12 personnel. Chief 7 assumed the command, Chief 7B was assigned Division 1, Engine 72 stretched the cross lay to the first floor and Tower 7 performed the search and laddered side Alpha. Crews found a small fire in a front bedroom. The fire was kept in check by the homeowner with a garden hose. Command scaled back the assignment to Engine and Tower 7 within 15 minutes of being on the scene. Company 7 cleared the scene at 1559hrs.

While the homeowner was trying to protect his property, the Riverdale Fire Department does not condone this action to be performed by anybody. This could of had a drastic reaction and could of caused serious injury or even death to the homeowner.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, March 01 2011 09:34 )